Thursday, March 1, 2007

something's brewing in gainesville

Andy and I headed over to Gainesville to meet Sara D earlier today. Well, technically it was yesterday, now.

After another interesting set of directions from Josh, we finally made it to the Brenau University Campus around 3pm. The Trustee Library to be precise. We met a few of Sara's classmates and then she took us on a tour around the campus. Which, i must say, has some interesting art. As does the library for that matter. Imagine 2 human flamingo's making out. Yeah, thats what one of them looked like.

Following the tour of campus we headed downtown to casually scour the sights. There was statue of Old Joe. Very friendly fellow. In a ... quiet, immovable kind of way. We checked out a few shops around the square, and got some coffee at Cafe & Crepes. It might have been Coffee & Crepes. Or something. I'm sure about the crepes part of it though. And after some time, we came back there and actually ate some crepes. A first for me. I enjoyed the Aculpuco. or however the heck you say it. I'm too tired to go look it up. Anyway. It was tasty. Andy and Sara partook of the Southern... um... the Southern.... well, it was something southern. They partook seperately, of course.

Shortly after eating, we traversed back to the library, and from there made our way home. Following a shorter and much easier route than the one we came on.

Its thundering. I wonder if that means its going to rain. That would be delightful. Its been awhile since I saw a good thunderstorm.

Now, for your viewing pleasure, a couple of videos we made on the way to Gainesville shot by yours truly. Andy doesnt think so, but I think they're less shaky than his.


Sarah said...

hahaha, ya'll are like a couple of stoners taking a roadtrip! it's vaguely reminescent of the TBone & Naked Trucker show.

and somewhere in Georgia looks like anywhere in East Texas. weird.

and a little tip from me to you...maybe next time you make a video neither of you should be eating or chewing gum, it just looks....uh, stupid.

and Sam it's Fa-hee-ta, not Fa-jI-ta. ya know like Fajitas...DUH! :P

btw, do either of you even read these comments, cuz if not i don't think i'll bother in the future!

Amy Bushatz said...

You guys... I absolutely love this blog. I think Im addicted.

Come to D.C. between March 15 and 29 and you can stay here ...

Jessica said...

haha. if you make it to Florida, find a way to drive through Douglas, Georgia and wave to my hometown as you pass by. =P

and i'm heartbroken . . . we won't be able to make it to the wedding-of-undisclosed-time. =(

Anonymous said...

How could you not have love for the larger, not-so-sexy chinese females??!! They need love too! That's just rude...*shakes head sadly*...

Mary-Beth said...

you say hello to everything. lol. hello tree. hello spanky red car. hello sexy chinese females. hello drug dealers. hello...YOU.