Mary-Beth and I flew out of houston at 4pm on Sunday. that went ok, although neither of us had slept much in 2 days. we had a 9 hour flight to get to London, upon which we tried to sleep, (no luck,) and watched a few movies. I watched Bedtime Stories with adam sandler, and thought it was a delight. oh and Valkyrie. wow. good movie. surprised I liked it but I did. very enjoyable.
we arrived in London at 8am on monday. London time. in other words, early. we found our hotel, left our luggage there, but obviously we couldn't check in at 8am. so we explored a bit, went to find Platform 9and3/4s from Harry Potter. idk why, just cause I felt like rubbing it in sarah's face that I'd been there...:P
then we went to a lovely place called Covent Garden, which was an outdoor mall/flea market/preformance square. and we walked around and watched ppl. it was fun, even though we were absolutely exhausted. we were falling asleep every time we sat down. eventually we went a took a wee nap in Hyde park, but it was quite cold, so we went back to our hotel. they let us check in early, so we went to our room, and fell straight asleep. and really didn't get up untill 8am the next morning. occasionally we'd be up for a bit, but there wasn't much to do besides watch british telly, which is rubbish, so we slept mostly.
tuesday morning we got up, and explored London more, hit some of the big tourist spots, Big Ben and so on. we were both still tired though, on the wrong time schedule, we hadn't yet met or heard from the person we were supposed to stay with, and we were a bit grouchy. I personally was feeling that London was a fairly unfriendly town, as we'd yet to talk to a single person. of course, I'm sure some of that was in us, not the fine people of London. so, we went and met Maria, our host for a few nights. she's from Greece, though she's lived in London for a few years now. she was very nice. awesome in fact. I can give more details later, but she took us to dinner for amazing jamaican food, and then to a pub to talk. it was a blast. today, we are back on the town, just visiting various sites we wanted to see. in a few days we plan to leave London, and see a few other places in England. I'll try and find time to write more later.
ps. feel free to email, we do check when we get a chance. laters
1 comment:
I've never been to platform 9 3/4. Maybe one day.
"british telly, which is rubbish"
ahaha, see you've caught onto the lingo ;)
looking forward to the next update!
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