Tuesday, May 1, 2007

... going places that I've never been

Yes, I did it again. But this time I'm back with a real post.

Eventually we bid farewell to the great state of New York, and headed south to Pittsburgh, to see our long-lost buddy ol' pal Nancy Carlin.

We got into Pittsburgh on Saturday evening around 6 or so, I think. And then a terrible thing happened. Catastrophic, some might say. Nancy made us go swing-dancing with her. And if you know me, I am NOT a dancer. But, with some coercion we went with her. (For some reason I was thinking cohesion. But its coercion.)

So off we went, thru the Roulette of Death(scary place) to Swing City. Luckily before any actual dancing happened there was a little class that went over the basics of swing and a couple line dances, the Cha Cha and the Charleston, I believe. Tis a very good thing they had that class becuase otherwise we would have looked like complete and utter fools, instead of just total idiots.

So we danced. I danced like 15 times with Nancy. The girl has more energy than anyone I know. And then a pretty girl asked me to danced. She was really good. And I'm not. And I looked like a complete retard. But it was fun. And we danced a couple later too. And then, I actually went up and ASKED a girl to dance. scary, i tell you. I swear she didnt say but maybe 3 words the whole time. I kept trying to get her to talk but she was just really quiet. Maybe the beard scared her. Dunno. Andy danced quite a bit as well, although we couldnt get him to do any of the linedances. Which were AWESOME. I loved the linedancing, especially the cha cha. Its really fun.

So then... Sunday morning we got up to go to Mass... after some confusion about whether or not we were actually going. We got off a little late and then hit some traffic, and seeing that it was about 45 min away, we ended up getting to Mass about 25 min after it started.

Then as we walk up to the building... we notice an inordinately large number of people coming out of the building. Not good. It turned out Mass actually started a whole hour earlier than we had thought. So we completely missed it. But we DID get to meet her cousin Ryan. He's cool. He likes old ladies. And soft foods. Long story.

Moving on.

After that we went to Nancy's school so she could study and we hung out in the studen campus ministry place with big couches and big tv and fridge and food and stuff. It was awesome. Oh, and I have to say, Nancy made some AMAZING brownies for us. Freakin AWESOME. we ate them for breakfast lunch and supper. tasty.

On..... Tuesday? We bid our sad farewells and took off for Chicago. The drive wasnt too eventful, except for the 2 lexus'. But I'll let Andy tell that story.

More later. Stay tuned to the Harbuck network.


Mary-Beth said...
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Mary-Beth said...

very nice. how much. :P

Megan Elisabeth said...

yeah, it must have been the beard. scary. :p I've never done cha-cha in a line dance... but sounds like fun.

Anonymous said...

WHAT?!?!? I have talked to ya'll so much since then and not once have I heard about this! I am most offended.

but HOW FUN!!! Mary-beth and I can swing dance!! kind of...:D

And yay for Sam asking a girl to dance. GO SAMMY!!

Andy said...

HEY! I asked a girl too. sam just didn't want to tell y'all. anyway, he cheated and asked a girl that he had already danced with once. I asked a stranger.

samwise said...

well if you're counting her, I asked TWO girls.

Andy said...


Mary-Beth said...

but the girl sammi danced with twice...the first time *she asked *him. :P

Anonymous said...

You have no idea how awesome it is that you guys went out dancing. HA! I love it. So taking you next time you're in DC. Mwhahaha.