I realize i have been quite neglectful in my posting. But I blame that on being sick since Monday. Anyway, here I am. I think the last time I posted we were in DC with Amy. So lets see if we can do a little summarizing up to now.
But before we leave Amy's, I have to say that she has been the ONLY person on this entire trip that has appreciated my 'your mom' jokes. Tis very very sad.
Staying with Liz was quite enjoyable. Got to see all the monuments and memorials and such. The cherry blossom festival was awesome. And Liz is an amazing cook. Liz, we love you. And if you ask us, we might even marry you. Both of us.
The day before we left DC, I woke up really sick. Headache, sore throat, nausea, stomach pain, trouble swallowing, and the like. I was hoping it was just a 24hr bug, but no such luck.
I was still sick the next day, but we headed to NYC anyway. Staying at a hostel was a fun experience. Actually just staying in NYC was a fun experience. CRAZY drivers there. That was not very much fun. I nearly died multiple times. For instance, at one point, I'm driving down a 2-lane one-way road. It dead-ends into another 2-lane one-way road going left. We stop, the light turns green, we go. Slowly. As both roads are jampacked with vehicles. So, in our slow merging, naturally one would think that with both roads having 2 lanes.... there would be 2 cars turning left. Makes sense, right? Ha. no such luck. As I'm halfway through my turn, I realize there are FOUR cars side by side making this turn. And I'm just like, what in the world? How did we go from 2 cars to 4 cars? And now we have to get back to 2 cars again. Cuhrazy. But we survived.
About an hour later, I'm on... another two-lane road I think. One-way, of course. Coming up to a intersection sort of thing, with a fountain in the middle. All the traffic goes around in one direction. So I start making the turn to the right to go around... and to my right is a big huge truck making the turn with me. The big truck is a bit slower than I, so there's a bit of room between us as we merge into our new lanes. Well, if there's EVER any room in traffic in NYC someone is going to try to take it. This bit of room wasnt going to be there long enough though, as the big hunking truck moves back into his lane. But that doesn't stop this crazy little guy on a moped that zooms up and tries to fit between us. ha, uh NO. Neither of us can stop, and he decides to forego such a rash manuevre before he gets squished into little moped burgers.
Anyway enough of that. There were more harrowing adventures but we're still alive. Then we left, and drove up to Concord, NH. As you've seen in the pictures there is a TON of snow. And i'm going to add some pictures here too, just for fun.
Yes that IS R2-D2.
And of course, lots more at http://www.flickr.com/photos/vaguelyvagabonds/
By thursday I was feeling quite a bit better, except for my throat. But then Friday morning I woke up and it had all come back. I felt just horrible. Sicker than I've been in a long while.
So after some deep brain-things in my head, and consultation with my dear mother, I decided I should go see a doctor. And there I learned some joyful news. I have the stomach flu. And strep throat. Yay! What fun. So now I got me some penicillen so I'm doing better. Sorta.
And that's about all. Just got back from Easter Vigil at Magdalen College. Quite an interesting experience. Good food. Have to write more later about that. Or let Andy.
Now I must sleep.
last time i had strepp... i got it from a boy. who have YOU been kissing??
LOL. amy, he hasn't been kissing ANYONE. most definitely NOT me.
*laughing at you guys*
You have no idea how glad i am you enjoyed staying with me, though. I thoroughly enjoyed having you guys here. We'll hafta see about that proposal thing...
ARE YOU CHEATING ON ME?!?!?!?!?!?!? Kissing other girls?!?!?!?!? Wow. I'm just gonna go cry now.
Moped burgers... lol.
weirdness - we're north of you and have less snow. not that i'm complaining. :p
what is it with the harbuck brothers and recycling girlfriends especially you sam, phil & andy?? get some orignality will ya!! LOL!
and based on all the things i keep hearing that you're doing, your stomach flu & strep must not be that bad! :P
yay! sam's back!!
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