Before we left The Grill or whatever it was called, Brack and I went over to play a bit of pool. As we were racking up the balls, a couple approached us and asked if they could play against us. We glanced at each other, and were like, sure, why not. After a few close calls we ended up beating them, but I still wasn't sure if they were trying to hustle us or not. They were bothing missings shots but then were making some very nice shots with seemingly little effort. But my fears were put to rest as we thrashed them quite handily in the second game.
The group was getting ready to leave about this time, but we had time for one more game. This time the guy asked to play just me. So we racked them up and, I have to say, I went to town. I was crushing him. Then to my everlasting chagrine, I missed THREE shots in a row, two of which were on the 8 ball. *sigh* And he won. Ah well, it was still quite enjoyable.
We made it back to Atlanta around 2am or so. I don't recall much of the drive home, which I suppose I should as I was driving. However, I DO remember singing country at the top of my lungs, much to Josh and Andy's not-so-vaguely-displayed disapproval.
The next day or so were mostly uneventful. Until Monday afternoon, that is.
About 2pm I entered a poker tournament online with approximately 2500 people in it. About 7 or 8 grueling hours later, we were down to the final table, and soon thereafter the final four of the tournament, where we decided to make an even 4-way split of the winnings. We played out the rest of the tournament for formality's sake and also leaderboard points. After a few brief hands I took 1st.
WOOHOO. quite exhilarating.
Hmm... after that.... Ah yes.
Sadly, we were unable to see Leslie before we left Atlanta. Many sorrows. Hopefully we will make it through GA again and be able to rectify that.
Thursday afternoon we left Knicely's. His last words as we were leaving: "Hey, wait, I have A5 suited with about 5x the big blind, should I go allin?" I think we created a monster. No, actually he did say bye after that.
We're hot.
Rush hour traffic in Atlanta is HORRIBLE. yeah, Josh, i know, you told us that. Now we really know. it was crazy.
Our current place of residence? with Sara D and Ronnie at their new house. But more on that will have to come later, for my limbs grow weary and my attention wanes.
Dos vedanya.
Well played in the poker tournament!! Congrats!
whoohoo! congrats on the poker game!
hey kids. tell Andy his letter awaits him at my place.
andy writes on this blog too. I can dare you. :P
see ya soon.
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